Asparagus, the king vegetable of Saillon

Officially named “Swiss Asparagus Town” in 2005, Saillon grows a third of the Valais region’s production of this spring vegetable.

From March to early June, asparagus is the star of the vegetable family and a veritable nugget of local produce. The producers in Saillon grow 45 tonnes of asparagus on 6.4 hectares, which represents 11% of the total area in the Valais. The canton produces 482 tonnes of asparagus every year.

Saillon, Swiss city of asparagus

Saillon, which accounts for a large proportion of the canton’s production, was officially named “Asparagus Town” in 2005, a label awarded by the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property in Bern. With its traditional Asparagus Festival held on the first Saturday in May, the village gives pride of place to the vegetable.

Where can you eat asparagus?

Steamed, grilled, roasted or pan-fried, asparagus can be found on every table in Switzerland. But above all, it is cooked by local restaurateurs as the star ingredient in tasty, original recipes!

How is asparagus grown?

Asparagus is grown in open fields or greenhouses, in an asparagus grove. Production begins 3 years after planting, in the sun-drenched fine sands of the plain. There are several varieties, but those grown in the Valais are among the tastiest and most delicate.

Find out more about this Valais speciality

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